Getting Started (1): Beginner’s Guide to Building IoT Devices
Welcome to SimpleIOThings! This site was built to help average people build cheap and simple Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices. No coding knowledge or electronics soldering is required to build smart home devices that make life safer and easier.
Until Now, IoT Devices Were Either Expensive or Hard to Make
As a technology enthusiast, I was excited about a lot of IoT devices on the market, but I was reluctant to buy a lot of them due to high price tags. I also saw a lot of cool IoT Do-It-Yourself (DIY) tutorials online, but a lot of them required parts and materials I didn’t have on hand like a soldering iron, breadboards, serial cables, breakout boards, etc. I wanted to build some simple devices, but was confused about which microcomputers, chip systems to buy, and what software languages to use.
IoT Made Easy
After a lot of trial and error, I built a few devices that worked reliably and required no soldering or fancy electrical work. Additionally, after drafting some quick and dirty code, setting up these devices now requires no knowledge of programming for future users. I’ve tried to make the process as easy as plugging in a few wires and installing a few programs on a computer.
How to Get Started
What Is The Internet of Things? – Read about what the Internet-of-Things is, and the exciting things IoT devices can do.
Read through the project pages and pick one you’d like to build and use. Its best to read all the way through a project to understand what materials you need to buy, and what tools you need on hand (both digital and physical) to complete the project.
– $10 DIY Wifi Smoke Alarm Notifier: A Cheap Alternative to Roost or Nest
DIY Project Parts – Once you’ve decided on a project, go to the project parts page and buy all the necessary components.
Getting Started: Setup IFTTT – This tutorial will walk you through setting up “If This Then That”, a service that all the devices on SimpleIOThings use to send information from IoT devices to the cloud.
Getting Started: ESP8266 Dev Board – This tutorial will help you setup the micro-computer that SimpleIOThings devices use to understand sensor data and send commands to the cloud.
Getting Started (4): Loading Device Software Via LuaLoader
Getting Started (5): Modding Your Enclosure – This tutorial will provide you with suggestions on how to mod your project enclosure box to house your electronics.
Once again, return to the SimpleIOThings project pages listed above and follow the tutorials to build your device, connect it to the cloud via IFTTT, and install it in your home.
Hope this helped get you all started. Have fun, and if you run into a roadblock or have a comment, feel free to reach out via the comments board.